Wednesday, August 26, 2020

British Geological Survey

The Geological Society of London was established with the purpose of surveying the lands before their military conquest and plunder. The Evangelical Society studied the people, their etiquette, defense capabilities and their weaknesses.

Before the Plassey battle in 1757, the British conductive extensive surveys of agriculture system in many parts including in interior villages. During 1740s, in the Arcot District in TN, they found that 54 Quintals of rice was harvested from one acre of land using simple manure and pesticides like cow urine and cow dung. Robert Clive who spearheaded the company's loot campaign in Bengal, was astonished and amazed to see the success of our agricultural system. After doing researches and surveys, the British discovered that the entire Indian life style revolved around cattle, not just religiously, but socially. Cow was an integral part of a Indian family as was any other human member in the family. He even found that in many places the total number of cattle was more than the number of humans living there.

The Water harvesting systems were 100% efficient. All rivers carried the same amount of water throughout a year. The rain water is recharged by soil or absorbed by flood plains, ponds, wells, tanks etc. 

The Supply chain was also excellent. The surplus generated in the villages also supported people outside. 

The impact of British rule are

(1) A total extinction of Desi cattle breeds, A1 milk and proliferation of hybrid European breeds through Artificial Insemination

(2) Monopoly  of GM seed companies in agriculture

(3) The muslin production in Bengal was destroyed by various means. William Bolts, a merchant in his book "Considerations on India Affairs", recorded instances of extreme brutality against silk weavers including cutting off their fingers.

(4) The first slaughterhouse in India was started in 1760, with a capacity to kill thirty thousand per day and at least one crore cows were eliminated in an years time. With the decline in cattle population, industrial manure like urea and phosphate made way to India.

(5) With the construction of large dams and canals, the reliance on local water harvesting structures also vanished. So people converted the ponds, wells and tanks into more profitable commercial properties. The appreciation land value due to  black money in the real estate sector is also a factor.

(6) The increased dependence on ground water due farm modernization and power bill subsidies by government.

(7) Conversion of farms lands into commercial properties.

(8) Cutting down of large number of trees.

(9) The mass-slaughter of animals as a ritual at the Gadhimai temple in southern Nepal is a contribution from Robert Clive during early 1760s.

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